New features

  • Ordered factors can now be transformed to a finite collection of order-restricted scores (see ?zheng_trafo); this can be used to formulate score-independent tests for ordered categorical data (see ?malformations, ?jobsatisfaction and ?vision).
  • The test size, i.e., the actual significance level, of approximative (Monte Carlo) and exact tests can now be computed (see ?size).
  • The centered linear statistic can now be extracted (see ?statistic).
  • P-values can now be extracted from objects of class "PValue" using pvalue().

Bug fixes

  • Adjusted p-values based on the approximative (Monte Carlo) marginal null distributions were incorrect under some circumstances.
  • The point and/or interval estimate of the ratio of scales parameter (for tests against scale alternatives) were incorrect when using the asymptotic null distribution.
  • Exact distributions of symmetry tests for paired data, e.g., the exact sign and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, used the Streitberg-Röhmel algorithm for independent samples instead of the more efficient version for dependent samples.
  • The class definition of "PValue" erroneously included the midpvalue and pvalueinterval slots; these slots are now part of the "NullDistribution" subclass (as they should have been originally).

User-visible changes

  • Asymptotic and exact p-values smaller than machine precision, i.e., .Machine$double.eps, or approximative (Monte Carlo) p-values smaller than resampling precision, i.e., 1 / nresample, are now reported as such in the printed output.
  • Computations on the approximative (Monte Carlo) null distribution, e.g., adjusted p-values for maximum-type tests, are now more efficient.
  • The Pearson chi-squared test is now computed more efficiently.
  • Extracting the test statistic or the (global) p-value returned a named result under some circumstances; the results are now unnamed.
  • The quantile function now returns a named vector if its p argument is named.
  • Objects of class "ApproxNullDistribution" now has a slot nresample containing the number of Monte Carlo replicates.
  • Classes "ExpectCovar" and "ExpectCovarInfluence" have been moved to the party package.
  • The ‘coin_implementation’ vignette has been renamed to ‘Implementation’.
  • Documentation updates.

Other changes

  • The linear statistic, its conditional expectation and covariance, and permuted linear statistics are now computed by package libcoin.
  • confint() is now an S4 method.
  • R >=3.4.0 and packages stats4 and matrixStats are now required.

Deprecated and defunct

  • The B argument of approximate() and ApproxNullDistribution() is now deprecated and has been replaced by nresample (for consistency with the libcoin, party and partykit packages).
  • Class "PValue" is now deprecated.