• Internal C function R_MonteCarloIndependenceTest returns a pq x B matrix instead of a list with B elements (the linear statistic for each random permutation of the data).
  • Various simplifications for the computations of adjusted p-values.
  • I() in formulae could still cause trouble with class "AsIs", now fixed.
  • Logical variables are now allowed in formulae (and are treated like factors).
  • Fix print method for marginal homogeneity tests (...stratified by block...).
  • R_kronecker in C now available.
  • C versions of nrow() and ncol() return 1 or length for vectors.
  • Some internal optimisation.
  • C functions nrow(x) and ncol(x) return LENGTH(x) or 1 when x has no dim attribute.
  • New R interface function R_kronecker to C_kronecker (which returns a _vector_!).
  • Speedup of variance computations in internal functions.