- The distribution argument now takes the return values of
functions exact(), approximate() or asymptotic() as well.
Those functions can be used to specify parameters, such as the
number of Monte Carlo replications via ..., distribution =
approximate(B = 9999), ....
- show() returns objects (of class "htest", for example)
- expectation() returns a vector, not a matrix.
- New generic variance() for extracting the variance(s) of linear
- Only variances (instead of the whole covariance matrix) is
computed when the distribution of maximum-type test statistics
is to be _approximated_.
- data may be an object of class "exprSet" (-> Biobase), the
vignette has an example.
- logrank_trafo() (and surv_test()) now have a ties.method
argument, see ?surv_test for more information.